This title and probably with the general same content occurs twice by the same hand. Elbert Hubbard was the founding father of the slightly eccentric Arts and Crafts movement in the US called the Roycrofters. They among other things wrote and published books and a monthly magazine called The Philistines. Among the books there were a series titled "A Little Journey to ... " of which Vantines was treated in the 1911 edition in about 19 pages. The cover of which I have in one version here:
The Philistine magazine series was printed in a multitude of styles and bindings; half year issues of 6 Philistines to full year issues of 12 Philistines. A "Volume 33" I have found contains the monthly issues of The Philistine magazine from June 1911 to November 1911. The Society of the Philistines was a part of the Roycrofter movement and was organized to "further good fellowship among men and women who believed in allowing the widest liberty to individuality in thought and expression". Signing up under this notable motto was the founder himself Elbert Hubbard and names like Stephen Crane, John Langdon Heaton, Edward Carpenter, Leo Tolstoy and a myriad others as contributing writers. I can personally not judge where irony begins and the panegyric stops in their stories. Maybe they didn't know themselves sometimes but it is an interesting read anyway. Elbert Hubbard appears to have written about anything and everything because he liked to write and not always to make a seriously meant point. He seems to have liked to influence people, to entertain and to make a decent buck while enjoying himself. It seems to have worked fine. He is well worth reading up on. Do that.
Here unfortunately two pages are missing. If you have them, please send to me so I can add them.
Interestingly, Vantines was purchased in the 20s by Arnold Rothstein, an early mob drug dealer.
In the mid-1920s, Arnold Rothstein saw illegal drugs as an untapped field, one that could be developed and profited from. The drug traffic was unorganized and there was little competition on the level Rothstein chose to enter. In fact, the only competition at that time was provided by unethical doctors. Rothstein's plan was to purchase and sell in quantities so large that no one could compete with him. He could regulate supply and demand on an international basis. In 1923, a kilo of heroin, 2.2 pounds, could be purchased for $2,000. It could then be cut and resold for $300,000.
Rothstein's interest in narcotics was strictly for wholesaling. He would need a network to sell the drugs and the rum running and bootlegging market already in existence would serve as his pipeline. Lucky Luciano and Waxey Gordon were in place in New York City and New Jersey. The Torrio – Capone Empire was interested in Chicago. Charles "King" Soloman was ready in Boston, as well as Harry "Nig Rosen" Stromberg in Philadelphia. In addition, mobsters in Detroit, Kansas City and St. Louis showed an interest.
Among the buyers Rothstein decided to do business with was Jacob Katzenberg, who was already serving the New York mob as a liquor buyer in Europe.
When Katzenberg teamed up with Rothstein in 1926, they began purchasing from European sources. Rothstein purchased "Vantines," a well-established importing house in New York City. The importing house had an excellent reputation and was known as a legitimate enterprise. When shipments arrived for them, customs officials gave their merchandise only a cursory search. Vantine's would become a perfect front for the smuggling operation. Rothstein also owned several art galleries and antique shops that would also serve as fronts.
On November 3, 1928, Arnold Rothstein was shot and mortally wounded in Room 349 at Park Central Hotel, during a creditors meeting where he had went to discuss a game IOU of $390,000. Rothstein had put all of his drug profits back into the business so when he was murdered he had untold millions invested. Upon his death Luciano and Louis "Lepke" Buchalter became the new overlords. Their first order of business was to make Katzenberg their principal buyer in Europe.
Digging up Rothstein's past to discover clues to his murder, investigators connected Rothstein with all manner of large-scale crockery. Federal agents announced they had certain proof that Rothstein was associated in an international narcotic syndicate with the dead Alfred Loewenstein, the Belgian financier who plunged from his plane into the English Channel. Papers found in Rothstein's files led to the discovery and seizure, in Grand Central Station of two trunks containing $2,000,000 worth of opium, cocaine, heroin and morphine.
The sources for this write-up offers interesting insights by themselves:
Time Magazine, Monday, Dec. 24, 1928
Wikipedia; Arnold Rothstein,
The Crime Magazine, Yasha, "The Wandering Jew", by Allan May.